There are many reasons people give for not having a website for their business. ‘They’re too expensive’, ‘I don’t have the time’, or ‘I’m not tech savvy’ are three of the most common. But in this day and age, none of the above – or any of the other reasons - for not having a website hold water. 
The simple fact is that you can get a good quality website with tech support to help you for a very reasonable price. Using a web designer and copywriter can help to keep your design and content fresh, and it can all be handled remotely. 
When you add in the SEO benefits, lead generation, and sales funnel aspects, you really can’t afford to be without one. In case you still don’t believe us, here are five more very good reasons you need a website. 

Attract new customers 

You may have a loyal and active customer base, but having a website is an easy way to bring new people to your business. 81% of people research a business or product online before making a purchase, so you could be missing out on four out of every five potential customers if you don’t have a web presence. 
Your website is also online and available to customers 24/7/365. So even when you’re not, your site is still working hard to win new customers and convert them into sales. 

Add credibility 

Just over half of all people say they wouldn’t trust a business without a website. So, having your own site instantly boosts your credibility with potential clients. A website allows you to make a good first impression too, with eye catching designs and captivating content giving people an idea about what you can offer. 
A website also gives you a platform to showcase your expertise and establishes you as a thought leader in your field. 
It doesn’t matter if you are a small or medium sized business or a sole trader, a web presence can help you to build your brand credibility. 
In addition, in the UK, updates to the IR35 regulations have aimed to cut down on disguised employment. This was in an effort to reduce exploitation of workers’ rights by corporations and to ensure that everyone was paying the correct amount of tax. 
However, this caused problems for sole traders working primarily for one major client at any one time, as well as contract workers who would often do long stints. In order to avoid confusion, a website helps to keep your business active and helps you to find new customers, even if you are busy working on a job or contract for another customer. 
After all, the life of a sole trader or contractor can be a little precarious, and when one job finishes you need more work. A website helps you to maintain your presence in the marketplace and builds your reputation among potential clients. 

It’s easier than you think 

As we mentioned above, it’s easy to make excuses about websites being too difficult or complicated, or that they will take up too much time. But the reality is that you can get help with all of that. Working with a reliable local web design company makes building, maintaining, and editing your website very straightforward. With the help of a professional web designer, a little time spent on your website can help you keep on top of everything, and when the rewards are this big, that is not really much to ask. 
In fact, websites can offer a better return on investment than other forms of advertising. And they should always form the core of any advertising strategy. Plus, it is a legitimate business expense and can therefore be written off against tax. 

Save time 

Rather than taking up lots of your time, a website can actually save you plenty of it. Think about how much of your time you spend dealing with calls and emails about your opening times, products or simple enquiries. A website is a place where you can store all of this information. 
An FAQs section is a great place to answer common questions. The 'About Us' section is the perfect place to keep company information. And all this time you save can be put to good use in other areas of your business. 


Your website can be your key positioning and branding platform. This affects the way you are seen by your customers. The way you brand yourself influences exactly the kind of customers you attract. 
It also means you can provide a place for customer feedback in the form or reviews. Around 79% of people making a purchase will look at the reviews and make an assessment about whether they should continue with their purchase. Having this on your website puts you in total control. 
All of the above provides a very comprehensive case for getting a website. And that’s not even all it can do. Your website is also the ideal place to work on your search engine optimisation, or SEO. This is all about making your business more visible to the people who are looking for the goods and services you provide. 
By using keywords and relevant search terms in the right places, your site becomes more visible to the bots that operate search engines. Good quality content that’s rich in data and information is also key to standing out in the crowd. All of this can be combined with your overall web design and branding strategy to great effect. 
So, whether you are small business looking to set up an ecommerce presence, or a contractor or small business looking to keep your toe in the water whilst working on other projects, a website is an essential tool of business. 
Here at it’seeze Web Design Twickenham, we can help you to create and manage your web presence in the most effective way.  
Get in touch with a member of our team and find out more about our web design services and ongoing support. It might just be the best decision you ever make for your business. 
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