Regardless of whether you are a completely new business or have been doing this for a long time, you will no doubt be well aware of how having a strong online presence in the form of an ecommerce store can improve your business. This is especially the case throughout the Christmas period. Last year, consumers all over the country took to online shopping in order to get their Christmas presents due to highstreets being closed as a result of the pandemic. This year, businesses everywhere will be trying to get similar numbers to 2020, even as shops everywhere remain open. So, how will they do it? 
Unfortunately, it may well be the case that businesses see plateaus and declines in their ecommerce and as such, new methods need to be implemented that will ensure they are able to continue to maximise their growth online. Whilst you may already have some techniques in the bank, it is important to recognise that using the same old strategies can sometimes become stale. As such, it is essential that your business tries to keep up with new trends, especially on the internet which is constantly evolving. 
This article will look into more detail about what these new trends are so that you know what you should be doing to maximise your ecommerce website this Christmas. 

Target Your Existing Customers 

If you are having trouble growing and driving traffic to your site, then you should remember that it is easier to get an existing customer back to your site than it is to try to get a new customer on there. If you are seeing your sales plateau, don’t immediately think that it’s because you don’t have enough customers as it may well be the case that you just haven’t capitalised on those who have previously shown interest in the past enough. 
Don’t just focus all of your attention and effort on customer acquisition, instead consider looking to improve the relationship you have with existing customers and turn your efforts toward retention. You can do this by holding incentives to loyal customers such as a discount on their next order. You won’t have to pay as much for ads when trying to get previous customers back onto your online shop as they will already be familiar with your brand and your products, as such there will be no learning curve. 

Display Icons that Show Your Site is Trustworthy 

Christmas ecommerce is a pricey time for a lot of shoppers and as such, they will be particularly wary of online threats. Because of this, it is incredibly unlikely that people are going to shop with you if your online shop looks sketchy or untrustworthy. One of the first things that you need to do is make sure that your website is secure and then proudly display the security badges that prove as much. It is also important though that if you are displaying images of security brands on your site, you actually have a working relationship with this site. 

Use Video Demonstrations and Upload Video Content 

There is no getting around the fact that consumers have an affinity towards videos. They are a very efficient way for you to compress a significant amount of content into a short amount of time. As a result, people are more inclined to watch a 2-minute video rather than read a great deal of text about a business’s product or service. 
Websites who use videos are usually pretty successful in getting users to spend more on their pages. They are cost effective too because of the fact when you make a video pertaining to your brand, this can also double up as an ad

Use Photos When You Include Customer Testimonials 

Client testimonials are a great way for people to trust your brand and as such, it’s a great idea to get some on your site as you will be able to get more and more people to engage with your brand after seeing what you have done for others. It is important though that when you do this you are taking them one step further by including the person's full name and a photo of them. 
By doing this you are showing that they are a real person and not just somebody you have made up. As previously stated, people are very cautious when it comes to online shopping when they are looking through Christmas and New Year sales. 
When you make your testimonials much more personable by adding an image of the client and their name, it resonates a lot more than if it was just a simple quote that said, “this product is great.” 

Make Sure Your Site is Mobile Friendly 

Of course, just because you have an easy to use ecommerce website, that doesn’t mean that it is going to be necessarily easy for everyone to use. You can’t assume that customers are going to be shopping for things on their computers only, as many people use their mobile phones to shop online now. As such, you need to make sure that your online shop will be easy for people to use, regardless of what device they are using to look at it. If you have a website that is not mobile friendly then it’s likely that you are losing potential sales as a result. 


It is important at this time of year to try to build as much interest in your online shop as possible. Following some of the above tips is a great way to go about doing it; however, there is no getting around the fact implementing these different tactics can be a struggle, especially as you are simply trying to run your business as normal anyway. As such, it may be worth your time enlisting the help of some professional web designers. 
Consider the likes of It’seeze Twickenham. These provide affordable web design in Twickenham which will mean you have an easy-to-use and slick website that takes into account the above ways that you can boost the number of visitors you get. Thanks to a professional ecommerce website package, you will get access to an easy-to-use web editor, so it is simple to upload your new products and then promote them as efficiently as possible throughout the Christmas period. If you have any questions about what It’seeze Twickenham will be able to do for you then do not hesitate to get in touch
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